Rozalia Project Trash Data Study
Funded in part with a
grant from
Phase II of the Trash Data Study
Saturday, May 2, 2015 - Saturday, October 31, 2015
Click Here to learn why we are conducting a trash data study
Click Here - download a fillable Trash Data Card and instructions
(in Microsoft Word)
Click Here - download a PDF version of the Trash Data Card and instructions
"What you are about to do on the Reservoir has never been done before, or hasn't been shared. This is citizen-led science to inform management (VT State Parks) to make a place better and easier to use. This is an opportunity to serve as a model for other communities around the country. This is an opportunity lead - not just in Vermont, but in the bigger picture. The Rozalia Project is proud to partner with you."
Rachel Miller
Co-Founder & Executive Director
Rozalia Project for a Clean Ocean