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Vermont Loon Recovery Project

Since 1978, the Vermont Loon Recovery Project at the Vermont Center for EcoStudies has been working with citizens, lakeshore owners, hydro dam operators, lake associations, state agencies, and other conservation groups to secure the future of Vermont loons.

Check out this Q&A About Common Loons in Vermont.

To report loon sightings on the

Waterbury Reservoir, contact:

Eric Hanson

VT Loon Recovery Project Coordinator

VT Center for Ecostudies Conservation Biologist

PO Box 22, Craftsbury, VT 05826


Tel: (802) 586-8064


The VLRP is a program of the Vermont Center for Ecostudies (VCE) and the Vermont Fish and Wildlife Department (VFWD)


If there are nesting pairs, FWR volunteers will support the VT Loon Recovery Project to focus on the territorial pair(s), established nest site(s), and chicks (if any) from mid-May through August.

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